Sunday, October 01, 2006
Yey! I finally have a blog, thanks to arjae. This is actually her gift for my birthday, which was about 2 months ago. hehe...Can't think of a word that would describe the past week. It's a wonder how so much work, fun,mistakes, lessons, accomplishments, laughs, and tears can be crammed in a week...
I edited my 3-minute audio-visual autobiography for broadcast advertising class. It was fun watching myself dance as a kid. I miss dancing though. Haven't really danced for months now.
I had fun watching my classmates' autobiographies. It's amazing how 30 people in a single class can come up with different ideas...
Making "Love" launch. It felt so good to make the audience laugh or respond to the show. Check out our website at
Milenyo strikes Sunrise Hill. Woke up at 12 nn only to find our apartment wet with rainwater. Roro, Michi, and I had to move some of our stuff to the hallway because of the mini-flood. And we were on the 4th floor!!! Our planned rest and relaxation turned out to be an afternoon of trying to get all the water out of our apartment. We were totally helpless against the force of nature so we just decided to make the most out of our situation---it was the perfect time to give our floor a nice scrub. It was exhausting, but the experience left us laughing in the evening. The Sunrise Adventures...
Still no electricity. And no water too. Plus, batt empty. haha, what else could happen?
... It's October 1, exactly 11 years since the storm Mameng struck us. I was 9 years old then, totally oblivious to the gravity of the situation. Arjae and I were making paper boats while everyone else were trying to save what they could. We were watching from our neighbor's window while our parents crossed the currents. We were sleeping soundly on the roof while the grown-ups stayed awake under the rain, trying to figure out how to escape. It was my lolo who saved us. He managed to swim to where we were using banana trunks as floaters. Using the trunks, my father and the other men made a balsa which saved everyone. It has been 11 years but the memory is still vivid. I don't see it as a tragedy, I never did. It was an experience. Not a lot of people have slept on the roof during a storm and survived without outside help.
so there... I have a lot to accomplish this week, but Milenyo froced me to take a much needed break. Which is not really a bad thing. Come to think of it, the Sunrise flood is actually fun to look back to.