in dance as in life

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Exam? What Exam?

I fell asleep when I should've been studying. On second thought, I should be sleeping. Sembreak na, technically. But since I chose to take up an Avecilla class this sem, I should've been prepared for an exam on a holiday after classes has long ended.

I watched the whole first season of Grey's Anatomy the whole day instead of studying. It was way more fun to do after weeks of haggardness. I'll sutdy later. Ok. Tomorrow.

Basta before I sleep tonight, I'll make sure I arrange my readings by chapter. Promise.

I need to stop bumming around. For some reason, when I'm home in Lipa, I just can't study. I go home to relax, not to study. So there. I'll get back to reality when I'm back. In the meantime, I'm sleeping.

posted by Keina at 11:18 PM